Our Mission: 1 in 3 people worldwide don’t have access to clean and safe water. Water poses one of the biggest challenges we face as a global society. In 2010 the United Nations and the Human Rights Council recognised water as a basic human right. World Water Crisis are determined to make clean water normal for everyone. Our goal is to prevent water poverty which has direct social, health and economic impact on the individuals and communities affected. Simultaneously we aim to work with and educate communities about the dangers of contaminated water and ways to clean it with invisible technology gifted by World Water Crisis.
Our Aims 1. To raise awareness of the crisis that the planet currently faces and the effects of the water crisis on real people’s lives. 2. To deliver clean water projects on a global scale that significantly improves the lives of individuals and communities. 3. To purify water sources and destroy harmful bacteria by using low cost technologies. 4. To work and partner with small and large corporations, Governments and NGO’s with regards to match funds on all monies we raise to ensure maximum impact for the communities effected. 5. To educate local communities to enable them to build on and maintain the solutions we provide. 6. To Promote fair local labour in the areas we help in line with the International Labour Organisation and Modern Slavery Act 2015.